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Enter the prison war camp if you dare. Thinking you’ve been sent to Southeast Asia to make a Vietnam War film, you find yourself lost in the jungle along with your movie-star friends. When one of you gets caught and sent to the war camp, it is up to the rest of you to forge a plan to free your friend and escape the jungle once and for all. Complete with guard-towers, perimeter fencing and barbed wire, this will not be a straightforward mission. With no help from the outside world, you will need to use all of your skills and determination to escape the local-warring villagers. This may look like a movie-set but the dangers are real.

Game Zones

In the build up to the 2018 Commonwealth Games and HSBC Sevens World Series, The Australian Men’s Rugby Sevens squad has enlisted the help of Delta Force Paintball in the pursuit of peak performance.

Aussie Men's Rugby 7's team in Delta Force Paintball - Appin =
Aussie Men's Rugby 7's team at Delta Force Paintball - Appin

As a part of a three-day camp the full squad visited Delta Force’s Appin location and undertook some adrenaline-filled activities. The requirement of team work, communication and strategy makes paintball an ideal activity for these elite athletes.

Delta Force Paintball
Delta Force Paintball
Delta Force Paintball


Delta Force Appin has an amazing array of scenarios and game zones making it an ideal location for the national side’s training camp. Crowd favourites include the custom-designed and manufactured Black Hawk chopper; 30 ft. Egyptian pyramid with guarding sphinxes; London double-decker bus amongst many more. The Delta Force team used these epic game zones along with creative scenarios to take the players on a physical, thought-provoking and competitive series on challenges.

At the conclusion of the session the team presented Delta Force with a signed jersey as a sign of their appreciation. A fantastic session was had by all and Delta Force is proud to be the paintball provider of choice for the Australian Men’s Rugby Sevens team and play a small part in their pursuit of Gold.

Delta Force Paintball
Delta Force Paintball


  • Want to avoid a paintball injury? Read on!

    5-11-16adelaide2Don’t get me wrong, paintball is a safe game! We all take a tumble every now and then, but we’ve seen some studies that show paintball as being safer than other contact sports such as Rugby or Soccer. That being said though, I wouldn’t be a good friend if I didn’t give you some tips and hints to avoid injury on the field! So, how do you avoid a paintball injury?

    Wear clothes

    Some do, some don’t. It’s our advice that if you want to avoid bruising from our paintballs that you wear clothes. A light hoodie provides great protection, as the balls hurt more if they explode on unclothed skin! We provide all our players with a standard protective suit, and the option to upgrade is always there! Hands are the worst place you can be hit, so we suggest either bringing your own gloves, or hiring a pair of specialised paintball gloves. You won’t regret it!

    Wear your goggles on the field

    This is already a rule at our fields, but if you want to leave with the eyes you came with, wear your goggles! Paintballs can be swift little buggers, so wear your mask or risk injury and being sent off the field! This is honestly the best way to avoid a paintball injury, trust us! jacob-howard-bonneys

    Wear proper footwear

    Paintball isn’t a fashion contest, so trust us. Wear sturdy shoes that provide ankle support and decent tread. The fields can get muddy if it’s rained, and we’d hate for anyone to be unprepared! Avoid shoes that you don’t want to get dirty, because trust us, with all the running, crouching, hiding and attacking you’ll be doing, dirty shoes are the least of your problems!

    Listen to the Marshals

    It’s pretty simple; these guys work to make sure everyone is happy and safe, they want to avoid a paintball injury just as much as you! One of the best tips I can give you as a paintballer is to listen to their advice and safety instruction. If you listen to the marshal you’ll prevent any possible injuries that might occur, but you can also gain some awesome advice to use on the field later! Have a wicked day on the field guys, and stay safe!
  • Growing the Delta Force Business

    A day at Delta Force PaintballIt’s well known that it is getting harder and harder to advertise your products and services to people. It’s hard enough for a clothing store, let alone a paintball centre. Paintball suffers a bad reputation, due to paintball fields that have little regard to customer service and safety. Delta Force Paintball has brought the paintball experience to a new level. Revolutionary safety procedures, alongside awe-inspiring game zones and impeccable customer service are all crucial to the success of our business. Paintball has long been victim of the stereotype that the fields are old and filled with junk cars and tyres. It was a sport for young men, and only young men would be game to play on these fields. Delta Force Paintball was born out of the idea that paintball could be more than that. Paintball could be a session experience, safe for all ages. It could be a fun sport that would combine strategic thinking with team work and physical activity. Since being founded, Delta Force Paintball has grown from one centre in the south of London to over 50 centres across the globe. Delta Force’s success is credited to our dedicated staff and customer service. It is also our partnership with International Paintball Group (IPG), which has seen our business increase exponentially over the years. International Paintball Group helped to introduce our business to a customer base that was previously unaware of our brand. As a result of an interaction with IPG, people have come to our brand, and become loyal customers.
    When you say paintball, they’ll say Delta Force. These are the kinds of customers you want advocating for your business, and it’s all down to IPG.
    Becoming a partner with a global business has helped Delta Force as a multinational company to further expand our reach, without needing to spend thousands on advertising. The IPG reps are walking the streets, they’re at the shopping centres and they’re interacting with the community, all in the name of paintball. The International Paintball Group is a business like no other. They’re encouraging their staff to work and travel, and treat their staff with the highest level of respect. Their dedication to providing a high quality product to their customers is rare, and their customer service is unlike any others in the industry. Delta Force Paintball will continue to work alongside International Paintball Group, to bring this amazing experience to people across the globe. IPG can make a difference. If you're interested, click here.
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